The application requires a photo of your ID. The easiest way to apply is by using your phone.
If your application matches our openings; Boardwalk Private Preschool will reach out to you within 3 business days via text message with further instructions.
Personal Information First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Employment Information Position Applying For
Director Assistant Director Teacher How many times were you late at your last job in one year? *
Do you know ANYONE that ever worked at Boardwalk Private Preschool? If yes, please write their name, if you don't, write no.
If no, please explain.
If yes, please explain.
If yes, please explain.
Background Check Please upload your driver's license, State ID, or government issue ID. The school ID'S are not acceptable, ID must be issued by the US Government.
Availability - Hours Of Operation 6:30 am - 6:30 pm When are you looking to start? (ASAP, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month)
The desired amount of hours per week?
Desired salary hourly or annual
Employment History Company Name
How long did you stay employed here? (Number of months)
Reason for Leaving
Company Name
How long did you stay employed here? (Number of months)
Reason for Leaving
Company Name
How long did you stay employed here? (Number of months)
Reason for Leaving
Company Name
How long did you stay employed here? (Number of months)
Reason for Leaving
Education If yes, which high school did you attend and when did you graduate.
If no, please explain.
If yes, what college did you attend and when did you graduate. What did you study?
If yes, where do you attend college? What are you studying?
Understand And Read Carefully--Please Sign Boardwalk Private Preschool Melissa is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate with regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It is the school’s policy to consider all applicants for employment based on their qualifications in light of job vacancies.
I certify that the information I have provided in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I hereby authorize Boardwalk Private Preschool Melissa and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to contact the persons listed on this form and seek verification of any and all information I have provided, including any criminal background checks required by the State of Texas. I understand that if any information is found to be false, it will be considered sufficient for denial of employment.